
Posts Tagged ‘Kickbacks’

More Crony Capitalism, Obamacare Latest Union Kickback

February 23, 2012 Leave a comment

You wonder why all these big labor unions support Barrack Hussein Obama so much? Because the financial kickbacks more they make up for the millions spent. The “Chicago Way” of politics is too reward your patrons and to punish and bully your enemies. Just look at the thug tactics Obama used to screw the GM bond holders and the cushy deals the big gangster unions got. This socialist bullshit is one of the many Obama policies keeping real unemployment at 15% plus. Why invest in the economy when this thugocracy can just show up and say sorry where dissolving your investment you can take these pennies or take nothing. And if you make any media complaints you just may find my enforcer in the Justice Department going through your business records. GM was a horrible run company with insane union contracts and should of gone bankrupt. But old Barry just rigged the game and bailed out his big labor buddies. Now Obama is using OBAMACARE to kickback taxpayer cash to big labor union pals far and wide.

Freelancers Union receives $340 million in grants for ObamaCare

By Adam Bitely — More political payola for Big Labor. The Freelancers Union has reportedly received $340 million in grants for ObamaCare implementation. Could this money be political bribery funds from the Obama administration?

On Capitol Hill, Rep. Dave Camp is looking into the matter. According to a report from Fox News, “Camp questioned whether the group was even eligible, describing the loan as a ‘reward’ for ‘political friends.’”

It seems that it has become a matter of routine inside the Obama administration to use ObamaCare grants to pay off friends and allies. Just look at the case of the taxpayer money sent to the Saul Alinsky-affiliated group in Wisconsin.

The last we heard from the Freelancers Union their founder and executive director Sara Horowitz was heaving praise on Occupy Wall Street movement:

It’s hard to ignore the signs: One percent of the population controls 40% of the wealth in this country. Financial institutions, after a decade of living large off riskier and riskier bets, are passing along costs to consumers. The unemployment rate for people under the age of 30 is nearly 17%. And it’s not just the poor. The Middle Class are being squeezed from every direction. Is it any wonder that people have taken to the streets to Occupy Wall Street?

We know that as a country we can’t sustain this level of inequality for much longer. In the short term, we need to update the New Deal so that the protections envisioned by FDR are realized for the Gig Economy – the 30% of our workforce who are excluded from basic worker protections and whose “jobs” last months instead of years. That means creating portable health insurance that workers can take from gig to gig and revising our unemployment system to account for the millions of people who are currently left out of it.

But in the long term, our best bet to prevent another Great Recession is to stop thinking that benefits are provided by an employer and support systems are delivered through the government. Those days are slipping away, and it’s time to completely shift our thinking. We need to come up with new, creative ways to solve these problems by coming together in what I call New Mutualism: People with shared interests cooperatively building solutions to the problems they face.

Wall Street won’t remain occupied forever. But the spirit of the protests can live on, especially if we can channel the anger, frustration, and hope on display in Zuccotti Park into new institutions that balance people, community, a living wage, and basic supports with reasonable profits.

Adam Bitely is the Editor-in-Chief of You can follow him on Twitter at @AdamBitely.